Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Day in KL

I finally spent an entire day in KL.... no sleeping on the ground outside the domestic airport, no geting lost in Chinatown drinking in a regae bar.... I actually saw the cool parts of the city.

My day started nice and early, only to discover that I had a view of the Petronas Towers from my room (I guess I had never looked to the right the day before). I woke up about 7 am, I'd like to think from excitement, but I think it was from jet lag combined with the fact I went to bed at 7 pm. I was excited and eager to go to the Petronas Towers. I have been waiting to see them for about a year now, but it is rather tricky. They begin handing out the 1400 free tickets at 9 am.... after those tickets are gone, you have to come back the next day. The line usually form around 8 am. So I had my free breakfast (tea, fake OK that tastes like Sunny D, scrambled eggs, toast, baked beans, and sausage which was really just an overcooked hot dog). Then I go in a taxi and paid 10 Rm for the 5 minute ride which went in circles the 2-4 km to the towers.

The line was alreay long, but I was hopeful. After about 25 min., I got a voucher that entitled me to a ticket. When I got my ticket it said to come back at 11:45. I began looking around the visitor center, then a man came up to me and asked if I wanted to go right then... of course I went. The whole experience was only about 30 min. We watched a propoganda video about Petronas (the oil company) and their 'vision' of Malaysia. I then waited in line to go through security, then the whole group (about 20+) went in the elevator and went up together. we only could go to the Skybridge on the 41st floor. The ride to less than 40 seconds. The bottom story of the double decker bridge was for tourists only. We had about 10-15 minutes to take pictures. It was kinda foggy/hazy but I didn't care. The whole building was so amazing.

At the bottom I walked around the entire complex and took pictures from every angle imaginable. It was quite sunny then and the building sparkled. I then got in a taxi and went to the KL Tower to look at the city and the towers from a higher vantage point. That tower is the 4th tallest tower in the world; it cost 20 Rm to go up. It was VERY hazy at the top and the towers looked ond and faded, but I was still quite happy to see the city, my hotel, and other places I recognized.

Once on the bottom, I decided to same some cash and walk to a recomended restaurant in Little India. The walk was good, I found the spot that the restaurant should have been, but not the intended cafe. I did find another Indian restaurant that was quite good and it was fun to walk around the area. By this point, my foot was killing me and the bandages were getting quite gross from the humidity. A taxi ride home was the answer; it turned out to be a great decidsion.

I bartered with the driver for a lower rate in Malay (same as Indoesian). It turn out he was Chinese and a HUGE Bush fan. It was halarious. In this area, the Chinese and the local Indians have very little rights and are not considered Malay... only Muslims can be Malay. Well this man had a VERY strong adversion to Muslims and did not think their practicies and descriminations against other races and religions were fair. He was quite please that Bush was making war with the Muslims to put them in their place. I could not stop chuckling and the only thing I could do to calm him down was to promise never to marry a Muslim so that my children would not be Muslim.

Along the way, we drove by a great area of town with a variety of restaurants and bars close to the hotel. I probably would not have ventured that way without seeing it from the taxi. So, after a 4 hour jet lag nap, I walked back over to restaurant row. The options were endless: japanese, Chinese, a Brittish Fish n' chips place, Lebones, Brazilian, Italian, French, South American.... I finally picked a Thai place and had THE MOST AMAZING green curry I have ever eaten. I was very happy. After dinner, I opted for internet instead of drinks b/c I had to get up at 4:15 to catch a plane up to Kota Baru to head for the Perinthean Islands. My first full day in KL was great!!!!

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