Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Final Days on Nusa Lembongan

My final dives were absolutely amazing. I was so excited to have a great week of diving and meet such great and experienced divers. I will be geting some video andpics from underwater that I am quite excited toshare with everyone.

I made quite a few visits to my friend Wayan Sila's home to see his family. His twins will be turning one on july 25th. They are so big and the little boy is quite nakal (naughty) as his mother says. he does not listen too often, eats or wants food constantly, and takes everything from his little sister (just by 10 minutes). The older son, Dipa is 7 and working on mastering his ABC's. Each time I would visit I spent about 15 minutes with hime alone helping with remember each letter and how to write it. The family is absoulutely georgeous.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Diving Around Lembongan

I am glad to say that I have been quite healthy the past week and diving every day. I have had quite a few amazing dives this week. I have seen the Mola Mola (Oceanic Sunfish) during 3-4 dives already this week. My first dive I spent over 30 minutes with them continously. I also did a dive at Manta Point and saw at least 8 different Manta Rays. Again, diving with these incredible creatures for more that 30 minutes. Knowing that I am seeing animals and marine life that others divers dream to see once in their lives reminds me how lucky I am. I truly enjoy the diving and the daily routine. The boat is always full of interesting people that have has some of the same experiences as me, and others offer me new ideas of where else I should go. The boat captains and local dive masters are, as always, overly generous and kind. They make my trips to Lembongan so meaningful. I am getting sad, as I only have one more day of diving for this trip. I am quite excited about what I have seen and have confidence that I will return.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back to Bali

I finally left the Perhentian Islands.... I took a speed boat back to the mainland and shared a taxi to the airport in Kota Baru. I flew back to KL, took the bus into the city, easily got onto the Meonorail and went back to the Golden Triangle area I stayed at when I first got to Malaysia. I had some cheaper happy hour beers and went back to the same Thai restaurant for some amazing green curry. In the morning I got a taxi back to KL Sentral, took the bus back to the airport, and then flew to Bali.

Everything seemed so easy like I had been there and done that before. Oh yeah... I have.... many times. Upon arrival in Bali, I got money from the ATM, got a taxi strait to Sanur, and booked a speed boat to Lembongan. I then got some doughnuts for the staff at World Diving and at Linda's where I stay. The boat ride was pleasant and bumpy. Ketut was on the beach with his motorbike to take me to Lindas's. Everything went smooth and as planned. It was so nice to be back on Nusa Lembongan ready for diving and to see old friends.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cross Island "Trekking" with Monitor Lizzards

I try and go across the island to the other side at least once a day, either running or walking. I had gone to pick up a bus ticket (when I thought I was leaving for Tioman) and I had to get beck for an afternoon dive. I was quite proud of my time on the way over and my productivity. I hurried back up the hill into the jungle. As I reached the top, I walked smack into a Monitor Lizzard basking in the sunlight. He was quite camoflauged as his skin turned very light grey to match the patch of sunlight he was laying in. I did not see him in my haste and almost step right on him. He was quite big- about 3 feet long. I jumped back and shrieked.

Now if I had taken that fear and jumped forwared over him, my troubles would have ended right there. But of course I was not that lucky.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Back to Diving

Things are looking up, and I have begun diving again. I have done 6 dives here on the islands, some have been quite amazing. I have seen a few things that I never have before, which always makes me happy. As always, I just like being under the water, as it relaxes me greatly.

Today I dove a wreck that was a lot of fun. We had to decend on a line 17 meters to the top of the boat, and there was quite a bit of current. We went around the bottom of the boat once at 24 meters. We started around again around 19 meters but could only make it halfway around. We went back to the line, then tried to go over the top of the boat. After a few minutes of heavy kicking (a great work-out by the way), we had to abort the dive and head back up the line. Aside from seeing a few cool fish and marine life, the dive was quite fun.

Yesterday, I did a morning dive around a big conicle rock and coral formation. I saw so many bamboo sharks sleeping under rocks before they began their day. The highlight, however, was a big, 3 legged turtle. He was missing his back left legs. Apperently, he has been surviving quite well, as divers have been seeing him for months. (no one is quite sure it it was a boat propeller or a shark tha tgo him) I watched him swim for a bit... he had no problem. Then, he dive bombed a specific anenome, for no apparent reason. He was going at it, trying to eat it. But, because he has missing his back leg, he couldn't get the leverage and stability to eat it properly. He had to use his front flippers to attack it and try and pull it into his mouth. Because he did not get it quickly all at once, the clown fish that lived in the anenome go quite mad. They started attacking the turtle and bumping into him repeatedly. Many other fish came by and watched the stuggle, just as I did with my dive group. This went on for about 5 minutes, until, he finally got the thing off the coral and into his mouth. It was the most exciting time I have ever observed a marine animal eat.

I am glad I stayed a bit longer to have the chance to dive here. I have decided to stay here before I go to Bali, and not visit other parts of Malaysia. My trip has turned into one of relaxation and recovery. I have not current desire to go from town to town, every other day, just to see "rural" Malaysia. But for now, sun, reading, diving, and recovery from my school year.