Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Final Days on Nusa Lembongan

My final dives were absolutely amazing. I was so excited to have a great week of diving and meet such great and experienced divers. I will be geting some video andpics from underwater that I am quite excited toshare with everyone.

I made quite a few visits to my friend Wayan Sila's home to see his family. His twins will be turning one on july 25th. They are so big and the little boy is quite nakal (naughty) as his mother says. he does not listen too often, eats or wants food constantly, and takes everything from his little sister (just by 10 minutes). The older son, Dipa is 7 and working on mastering his ABC's. Each time I would visit I spent about 15 minutes with hime alone helping with remember each letter and how to write it. The family is absoulutely georgeous.

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