Friday, July 11, 2008

Cross Island "Trekking" with Monitor Lizzards

I try and go across the island to the other side at least once a day, either running or walking. I had gone to pick up a bus ticket (when I thought I was leaving for Tioman) and I had to get beck for an afternoon dive. I was quite proud of my time on the way over and my productivity. I hurried back up the hill into the jungle. As I reached the top, I walked smack into a Monitor Lizzard basking in the sunlight. He was quite camoflauged as his skin turned very light grey to match the patch of sunlight he was laying in. I did not see him in my haste and almost step right on him. He was quite big- about 3 feet long. I jumped back and shrieked.

Now if I had taken that fear and jumped forwared over him, my troubles would have ended right there. But of course I was not that lucky.

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