Saturday, July 19, 2008

Diving Around Lembongan

I am glad to say that I have been quite healthy the past week and diving every day. I have had quite a few amazing dives this week. I have seen the Mola Mola (Oceanic Sunfish) during 3-4 dives already this week. My first dive I spent over 30 minutes with them continously. I also did a dive at Manta Point and saw at least 8 different Manta Rays. Again, diving with these incredible creatures for more that 30 minutes. Knowing that I am seeing animals and marine life that others divers dream to see once in their lives reminds me how lucky I am. I truly enjoy the diving and the daily routine. The boat is always full of interesting people that have has some of the same experiences as me, and others offer me new ideas of where else I should go. The boat captains and local dive masters are, as always, overly generous and kind. They make my trips to Lembongan so meaningful. I am getting sad, as I only have one more day of diving for this trip. I am quite excited about what I have seen and have confidence that I will return.

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